Hi Family... does this look familiar! |
Wednesdays Wednesdays Wednesdays....SIGH!
How I miss Wednesdays from pre ten years ago, they were the highlight of my family life.
Mum and Dad (Grannie and Poppydad to our kids) made Wednesday the day they stayed home all day so family could come around. One of the favourite lunch time meals was savs in bread with mums plum sauce, and always ice cream in a cone with sprinkles!
We played cards and board games, cricket and basketball etc. with the kids. Grannie and Poppydad were very keen card player, not competitive at all hu hum :-)
It was interesting watching the kids learn some good life lessons on Wednesdays.
Since then we have lost both Mum and Dad. First dad,... Devastating (Such a gentleman, patient and kind) Nothing can prepare you for the loss of a parent. Then Mum four years later, after a long battle. (The best caring, stable, selfless role model a daughter could wish for) After losing one parent you think you know what you are going to go through the second time.... but you don't. Parents are the anchor in your life, and when they're both gone..... floundering is the word that comes to mind for me. I still to this day think, I wish I could ring mum for a chat or to ask her advice. Or sit on Wednesdays and listen to dads wise words and dry sense of humour, and watch both of them playing and talking with our kids. But I can't. There's a message here for everyone who still has their parents..... I don't really need to say any more on that.
So below I've added mums famous plum sauce recipe (well its famous in our family!) I try to make a batch each year to give to my brothers and sisters for their families.
xoxo to my family :-)
7.5 kg dark plums, roughly chopped
2 Litres Water
1 bottle Wyld's EzySauce
4 kg sugar
4 tbs salt
1 tbs ground ginger
Place plums stones and water into a very large saucepan. Bring to the boil stirring occasionally until the plums are soft and pulpy.Turn off the heat and let the mixture cool down. Remove the stones and run the plum mixture through your blender or use a hand held blender. Then add EzySauce, sugar and salt. Combine ginger in enough water to form a smooth paste, then stir into the plum mixture. Boil gently uncovered for 1-2 hours or until it becomes a thick pouring consistency. If at this stage it doesn't seem thick enough for your liking you can add about 4 tbs of cornflour mixed in enough water to make a pouring consistency. Then boil for a further 10 minutes or so. Pour into hot sterilised bottles and seal.
Cooking time may vary greatly :-)