Sunday, 24 March 2013

Furniture Restoration etc.

Sorry I've taken so long to get back on line. I've had a really busy few months getting ready for our sauce weekend, and with the closing down of STUDIO89, where I was selling my restored furniture and other bits and pieces from.I am now thinking on how to go about selling my goodies and am working on a few ideas I've had. So I'll let you know when I get myself organised.The dressing table pictured above will be one of the items for sale, along with other pieces I'm working on, plus home made candles, some china, etc. etc.
As for my de-cluttering task for February, I could tell you I finished it in February but haven't had a chance to post my report yet... but I cant tell a lie. I've decided to make it my task for March.. easy fixed, seeing as I only have to answer to myself :-) And myself said " No problem, it's only a month later than you planned and you've had other much more important things happening...don't be so hard on yourself." So now I feel much better, since the pressure is off. :-)

I'll be back soon.


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