Monday 1 April 2013

Sauce Weekend 9/3/2013

I'm sure I've mentioned it before, but every year on the Labour Day long weekend in March, some of our friends from Melbourne come to visit and we have a great weekend making passata sauce and instant pasta sauce. 
This year we had the most successfully sauce weekend to date!
We are getting the process down to a fine art, and the tomato's from Mary were the most beautiful Roma's. In previous years the tomato crops suffered from rain/storm damage so we didn't have good tomato's to work with.  This year they were perfect!

First batch of passata sauce ready to be cooked.


The  cutting begins.



This is how we cook our instant pasta sauce.
We're working on a better cooker for next year. 
The Girls!
The hardest workers on the weekend of course! 
Taking a well deserved dip, after a long hot day.
 The other Girls (Ginger and Cider)
 Doing Life Guard duty!
We are always sad to see our dear friends from Melbourne head home after our sauce weekend. We work and play hard, its a fantastic weekend that we very much look forward to each year.

(PS) I've decider my de-cluttering project for April is going to be the office filing system. I started changing over to a computerised system a while back and its been neglected lately so.... time to fix it up and finish it off!

(PPS) I'm not sure if this would be considered as a de-cluttering project to some, but to me it is.... so be it! :-)

Bye for now





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