Sunday 14 April 2013


My new venture this year is starting to fall into place, slow and frustrating at times, fast and out of control at other times. But I think I see a light at the end of the tunnel. I've decided on a name for my business ( LILAC HOME & GARDEN ), and a logo. I have some furniture ready to sell, plus some scented candles, some painted glass ware, some potted herbs and other plants in interesting containers and some sewn items ( bunting, cushions, pot holders, table cloths etc.). Some of the glass ware is decorated with vintage wall paper and the sewn items are made out of a variety of material from my stash. There will also be bird houses and other interesting rustic furniture made from old sweat box timber, pressed tin etc. by Val, and other sewn items and interesting curio made by Chris and Barbara.

This is an example of Val's work

I know you've heard me say this many times this year but once again I can't help myself,
Also, over the next few weeks my blogging is going to suffer again because l have to make sure my other duties are up to date and prepare for LILAC HOME & GARDENS opening.
But do stay posted for more updates, photos of stock for sale and a date for our

Gotta run now... talk to you soon.


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